Jesus had a lot on his mind. The authorities were pressing in on him. The people’s expectations were high. Jesus had a decision to make: head into Jerusalem and face the chaos of all those conflicting pressures, or run; turn around and head the other way.
Whenever we are preparing to do something difficult we have choices. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like a choice, but the reality is, we could choose to not do the thing we think we have to do. The temptation to run away is often high. We might feel overwhelmed with the possibilities of what is ahead: a doctor's appointment, a long overdue conversation with an estranged family member, writing a resume for a new job. That “overwhelm” feeling we experience when we have a tough journey ahead can keep us from thinking clearly about how we will proceed.
Do you have a big “something” ahead of you this week? Maybe at work...or home...or a problem that has been bugging you for a long time and needs to be resolved? Jesus gets it. His Spirit is ready to help you find peace around that difficult thing you have to do.
If you haven’t tried tapping prayer before, go to this link and read up on the basic recipe. Once you feel comfortable with the basics, figure out what your SUD is and then try this prayer for the difficult thing ahead. Please take responsibility for your participation in tapping prayer.
Dear God, I am in over my head. I have this difficult thing coming up this week, and I don’t know what to do. I am feeling overwhelmed, and maybe a little trapped by having to make a decision about this difficult thing. I am having trouble concentrating because the specter of this difficult thing has got my wires frazzled. Thankfully, you know just which wires need healing today, and so I’m going to focus my prayer so that you can attend to where I need the healing the most.
Karate Chop: Even though I have this difficult thing coming up this week, I am deeply loved and completely accepted by God. Even though I have this thing that it looks like I HAVE to do, I am deeply loved and completely accepted by God. Even though this thing that I have to do has go me worked up to a SUD of ….., I am deeply loved and completely accepted by God.
Top of head: This difficult thing
Eyebrow: This thing that I HAVE TO DO.
Outer eye: This something that I dread.
Under eye: This thing that is bugging me.
Under nose: This difficult thing
Under lip: This thing that will take me out of my comfort zone.
Collarbone: This difficult thing that is scheduled to happen this week.
Under arm: I have this thing to do.
Wrists: I have this thing that is driving me to derision.
Top of head: Even though I have this difficult thing to do, I am deeply loved and completely accepted by God
Eyebrow: I feel trapped
Outer eye; I am deeply loved
Under eye: This difficult thing I have to do might have a pleasant surprise for me.
Under nose: I am completely accepted by God
Collarbone: It might not be as bad as I imagine it to be
Underarm: It might be worse than I imagine it to be.
Wrists: Whether it’s better or worse, I am deeply loved and completely accepted by God.
Top of Head: Even though I have this difficult thing to do, I am deeply loved and completely accepted by God.
Take a deep breath...and check your SUD.
As Jesus prepared to enter Jerusalem, he had specific issues on his mind. The needs of the people. The anger of the religious leaders. His own sense of serving God.
The more specific you are with your language, the more specifically God can attend to your dread of doing this difficult thing. Keep prayer tapping until you can think about the thing you have to do this week and your SUD is at a 0-2.
May "Hosanna!" peace be yours,,
ps. Next blog will be posted on Maundy Thursday re. Betrayal.
ps. Next blog will be posted on Maundy Thursday re. Betrayal.
Very helpful blog entry on how to go through the tapping process. Maybe I should have tried it when I had that interpersonal situation two weeks ago....